Stat |
Rank |
Date |
Comment |
527 |
1/92 |
12-17-12 |
444 |
1/19 |
07-11-05 |
527 |
1/111 |
01-25-19 |
444 |
1/30 |
12-28-05 |
527 |
1/93 |
01-09-13 |
444 |
1/20 |
08-18-05 |
527 |
1/112 |
03-21-19 |
444 |
1/31 |
12-29-05 |
527 |
1/93 |
02-16-13 |
444 |
1/21 |
09-30-05 |
527 |
1/112 |
11-27-19 |
444 |
1/31 |
12-29-05 |
527 |
1/93 |
07-02-13 |
444 |
1/15 |
08-14-04 |
527 |
1/113 |
03-18-20 |
444 |
1/32 |
01-02-06 |
527 |
1/109 |
08-04-17 |
444 |
1/16 |
08-14-04 |
527 |
1/113 |
01-01-21 |
444 |
1/32 |
01-03-06 |
527 |
1/110 |
11-06-17 |
444 |
1/17 |
08-21-04 |
527 |
1/114 |
06-08-21 |
444 |
1/32 |
01-07-06 |
527 |
1/110 |
12-05-17 |
444 |
1/17 |
10-24-04 |
527 |
1/114 |
07-11-21 |
444 |
1/32 |
01-08-06 |
527 |
1/110 |
08-09-18 |
444 |
1/18 |
07-08-05 |
527 |
1/114 |
08-24-21 |
444 |
1/32 |
01-09-06 |
527 |
2/103 |
02-03-15 |
444 |
2/37 |
04-09-06 |
3/48 |
10-26-06 |
4/51 |
03-18-07 |
This is absolute perfect, Dreamcast-wise |
444 |
4/50 |
12-24-06 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/54 |
09-05-07 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/52 |
01-28-07 |
5/59 |
01-21-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/62 |
05-24-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/63 |
08-27-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/55 |
11-01-07 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/52 |
02-10-07 |
5/60 |
02-26-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/62 |
05-29-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/62 |
08-27-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/56 |
12-31-07 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-19-07 |
5/61 |
03-07-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/63 |
06-03-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/63 |
11-13-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/53 |
08-13-07 |
This is absolute perfect, Dreamcast-wise |
444 |
5/51 |
01-02-07 |
5/57 |
12-31-07 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-19-07 |
5/60 |
03-29-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/62 |
06-11-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/53 |
08-18-07 |
This is absolute perfect, Dreamcast-wise |
444 |
5/51 |
01-02-07 |
5/58 |
01-01-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-19-07 |
5/60 |
03-29-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/61 |
06-24-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/53 |
08-18-07 |
This is absolute perfect, Dreamcast-wise |
444 |
5/52 |
01-08-07 |
5/56 |
01-04-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/59 |
04-23-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/61 |
06-24-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/53 |
08-18-07 |
This is absolute perfect, Dreamcast-wise |
444 |
5/52 |
01-22-07 |
5/57 |
01-14-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/60 |
04-29-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/62 |
07-19-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/53 |
08-24-07 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/52 |
01-28-07 |
5/58 |
01-20-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/61 |
05-04-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
5/63 |
08-27-08 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
444 |
5/51 |
02-20-07 |
6/65 |
02-08-09 |
Think of it this way...on GameCube, this would have been 527. |
7/72 |
06-21-09 |
8/74 |
12-27-09 |